LOL,oh my goodness I have been having a conversation with a friend on the site I am on about this very beast. I have even been tagged My favourite Werewolf. Then I was browsing your blog ( Which I confess I have taken to visiting quite a bit) and stumbled across this.
How fun to read a poem when it is "off season". I like how the two parts fit together or work alone. Thanks for keeping your readers busy!
Thanks, Lauren.
Laziness is something I do very well.
Well... it's something I think I *could* do well, if I bothered to try.
There's no way you can be lazy and end with this poem. I know it. You know. He, she knows it. A favorite of mine is this poem of yours.
'ppreciate that, beau - very much.
I wrote a ton of these a while back... bonded dual haiku, etc. This is the only one (I feel) that wasn't completely cryptic.
LOL,oh my goodness I have been having a conversation with a friend on the site I am on about this very beast. I have even been tagged My favourite Werewolf. Then I was browsing your blog ( Which I confess I have taken to visiting quite a bit) and stumbled across this.